title: "Mallard: Turn the Web into a Contextualized Prototyping Environment for Machine Learning" authors: Xiong Zhang and Philip J. Guo venue: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) year: 2019 links: - Webpage tweet: Mallard turns the browser into an environment for prototyping machine learning apps using web data abstract: > Machine learning (ML) can be hard to master, but what first trips up novices is something much more mundane: the incidental complexities of installing and configuring software development environments. Everyone has a web browser, so can we let people experiment with ML within the context of any webpage they visit? This paper's contribution is the idea that the web can serve as a contextualized prototyping environment for ML by enabling analyses to occur within the context of data on actual webpages rather than in isolated silos. We realized this idea by building Mallard, a browser extension that scaffolds acquiring and parsing web data, prototyping with pretrained ML models, and augmenting webpages with ML-driven results and interactions. To demonstrate the versatility of Mallard, we performed a case study where we used it to prototype nine ML-based browser apps, including augmenting Amazon and Twitter websites with sentiment analysis, augmenting restaurant menu websites with OCR-based search, using real-time face tracking to control a Pac-Man game, and style transfer on Google image search results. These case studies show that Mallard is capable of supporting a diverse range of hobbyist-level ML prototyping projects. bibtex: > @inproceedings{ZhangUIST2019, author = {Zhang, Xiong and Guo, Philip J.}, title = {Mallard: Turn the Web into a Contextualized Prototyping Environment for Machine Learning}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450368162}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3332165.3347936}, doi = {10.1145/3332165.3347936}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology}, pages = {605--618}, numpages = {14}, keywords = {contextualized machine learning, ml prototyping}, location = {New Orleans, LA, USA}, series = {UIST '19} }